The world of Vertigo

The Online Portfolio of Ana Silva

I love web and graphic design

and have experience designing websites, user interfaces and logos as well as graphics and print media.


Some of my latest design work…

Who am I and how did I get here?

Hi, my name is Ana and I am a web designer and front end developer from Lisbon - Portugal, who loves design and the internet universe.

For over five years now, I specialized mainly in the design and creation of accessible websites, built with clean and semantic code that results in fast loading sites, improved accessibility, simplified maintenance and lower costs!

The technical stuff

My skills include designing with (X)HTML, CSS(3), JavaScript (jQuery), and of using programs such as Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash.

Last but not least…

When I’m not making websites you’ll find me tweeting about design, listening to music or simply enjoying life.

If you want to say "hi" or have anything you want to share, I would love to hear from you. Thank you for visiting!

Want to have a chat?

Send me an email and we can talk til the cows come home!

Please feel free to email me if you have specific requirements, or even if you just want a chat! You can also contact me through any of the places below.

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